Tuesday, December 6, 2011

3D Fabric?!

     So we got in some fabric from Hoffman Fabrics the other day and yes, ladies and gentlemen it is a 3D Fabric.  It came with 3D glasses and everything (you can get your own pair if you purchase 3 yards or more!).
     It's a novel idea, we have 3D phones, TV's, movies, and video games, why not?  The cool thing about these is it doesn't look 3D without the glasses, there aren't those blue and red lines, or any fuzziness, this fabric is a good standalone fabric for designing some cool quilts or children's backpacks, lunch boxes, etc, but how much cooler is it for them to tell their friends at school it's 3D!  Even our older toy covers, ipad slips, tablet covers, and laptop cases could be adorned with this to make them a vibrant accessory to our daily life, and our little secret that they are indeed 3D fabric to show off to our friends.  My how technology has come.
    Right now, they only have three fabrics offered, we have two of them: a space scene with rocket ships, planets, plus satellites & an underwater scene with fish, coral, clown fish (for those Nemo lovers), dolphins and the like.  The third in the line is a jungle print that we currently aren't stocking.
     Even if this doesn't sound appealing for any of your upcoming Christmas projects or your own works, at least come in to put on our demo glasses and check it out for yourself!

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